The goal here is to have it assist the student when he or she needs a word pronounced or a portion of the text read to them. One of a variety of tools used at the school is TextAloud.
Very useful as a single parent that needs to perform double duties while maintaining everyday household activities. I just scan the documents, study and save them for future use.
I know what you're thinking - robot voices will be the death of you.
You may have missed the same word over and over while reading, but when you hear it mispronounced, you'll know for sure! And while you're listening to all of this text, you could be doing something else - cleaning, exercising, cooking, you name it! It's also great for proofreading your writing. You can also use TextAloud 4 to save your daily reading material to audio files that you can then play back on your portable audio devices. TextAloud 4 reads your email, websites, reports, and more, aloud. What am I talking about? I'm talking about LISTENING to text using TextAloud 4, the world's most popular text to speech utility! Our daily lives are filled with reading! You read your email, you read web pages, you read critically important documents as part of your job - you're even reading right now! Imagine how much more you could get done if you free up your eyes to do other work, while still receiving all of the information from your reading material.